Wrong Notes FAQ
Here are a few frequently asked questions. If you need more details please contact us. If all that interests you and your music is what we’re looking for, submit your music in the application form.
Frequently Asked Questions:
How does it work?
The idea is quite simple. Wrong Notes is building a prog music community on social media by acquiring relevant followers, i.e fans who are into prog rock, progressive metal, fusion, jazz and similar and engaging them with your music videos, which will be featured to them on an ongoing basis. A growing number of followers will get to know you and your music and hopefully love what you do.
You’ll provide Wrong Notes with your music videos, preferably by us crossposting them from your page (which is the correct and preferred way to distribute videos on Facebook), a thumbnail and a short, engaging text about it. Your video will be scheduled by the WN system and we’ll let you know its appearance date and time.
Wrong Notes is here to serve its artists – your page will be tagged with every video of yours so that fans will be able to follow you directly too.
You will also have an “Analyst” role on the Wrong Notes page, which means you can always see how your videos are doing and how is the page performing overall. It’s part of our clear transparency policy.
The more artists taking part, the faster Wrong Notes grows and reaches more people. For example with 50 artists in the pool, we are estimated to grow by at least 4,000-5,000 followers per month. It’s the power of the community!
Who qualifies to take part?
An artist who is:
- Making genuine, creative and high quality progressive music (with a lot of “wrong notes”).
- Releasing engaging music videos.
- Serious about promoting themselves or their band’s musical career.
- Genre is not as important though – whether it’s prog rock, progressive metal, fusion, jazz, modern contemporary or rubber ducky avantgarde – as long as the music is adhering to the progressive spirit and is performed and recorded at a professional level.
However, it should be clarified that acceptance to the program and authorization of eligible contents (musical, visual or otherwise) is always at the sole discretion of Wrong Notes Music.
Who are you? What are your social media qualifications?
Thanks for asking 🙂 Apart from being a musician much like yourself, I’ve been doing some social media work for various pages including my own for quite a few years now. I’ve been running real-world successful campaigns in various subjects, focusing on music (for instance crowdfunding my own album in the now-deceased PledgeMusic) but also some animal liberation such as Shut Down Mazor Farm, which ended up with the saving of over 2000 Macaque monkeys from cruel experiments and giving them a chance for a new life with the Monkey Rescue organization (Hebrew).
I am also a graduate of the Social Media on Steroids course by Dan Shinder, the founder and director of Drum Talk TV (with over 1 million followers), who is one of the biggest experts I know for social media. Dan also serves as a consultant for Wrong Notes.
To summarize, other than being a prog musician and well versed in the specific niche of progressive music, I also know what it takes to run a successful page, how to attract and engage followers and how to convert their engagement into real-world results.
What does it mean for me? Will I need to actively promote the Wrong Notes page or do any more work?
No. Promoting the page and acquiring audience will be done on Wrong Notes’s part. All you’ll have to do is to commit to WN’s monthly membership payment (see below) and of course, provide us with your music videos.
That said, it would be much appreciated if you invite your fans to follow the page and share its contents from time to time. Also if you know other artists with the same “musical mindset” that are serious about their promotion, please connect them to us. We all benefit from each other’s involvement.
How much will it cost?
You’ll find the current pricing for new members in the application page.
Once you join this monthly amount will remain fixed. However monthly price for later joiners will be raised the more followers we acquire, to keep it fair for the artists who joined before. In other words, the sooner you join the better.
What's in it for me?
Wrong Notes is committing to provide its members with:
- Promotion: Your music will be eligible to regularly appear on the WN social media pages.
- Followers base: We build the community with your share of the money. While it’s hard to say exactly how many followers can we get for it, it’s safe to assume that your monthly payment will grow the community by at least 80-90 genuine followers, and likely even more.
- Transparency (1): As mentioned above you will have full Analyst-role access to the insights of the page and the posts, so you can always see for yourself how well the page and your videos are doing.
- Transparency (2): Once a month WN will issue a report which includes a list of all members and how much they contributed so far. This is important for everyone to know for clarify and transparency about who else is contributing.
- Support: We are always happy to provide some guidance about social media and content engagement.
So you buy likes?
Yes, but keep in mind that acquiring followers (i.e “buying likes”) is in itself nothing to fear of. In fact, with the reduced organic reach in Facebook in the last few years it’s pretty much the only way to make significant growth.
We do not buy fake likes. The only way we acquire followers is via Facebook Ads. While it’s true that there are fake like farms on Facebook abusing the system, this was heavily reduced by Facebook in recent years and we have specific ways to make sure with 99% certainty that the followers are genuine and relevant audience.
Why crossposting and not just sharing my Youtube videos?
Facebook has its own rules and interests. One of them is that it doesn’t like to give its competition any benefits. Makes sense!
For that reason, sharing a Youtube link on Facebook (or any other external site for that matter) is a big no-no. When Facebook sees such links it penalizes the post with a low reach, essentially signaling us to use its own video service. Since these are the playground’s rules, we need to comply with them if we want to maximize our reach. One way to do this would be to simply share the post from your page. But that won’t do much either, because shares are normally getting much less reach than original posts. Another way would be to re-upload the video directly to the Wrong Notes page. That would work for Wrong Notes, but you as the artist would lose all the reach, action and engagement counts that take place on your video in the WN page.
That is why crossposting is the right way to do this. What crossposting basically means is that you upload your videos to your own public page (which we recommend to do anyway) and then make them available for the Wrong Notes page to create new posts from. Then, we can create a new posts on our page from that video while still making it possible for Facebook to count results accross all its instances.
You can read more about crossposting on Facebook’s crossposting guide.
Why should I spend money on promotion?
Because in reality, like it or not, the world is controlled by paid media. “Word of mouth” is very cool and underground, but will only get your career so far. That’s the truth.
Musicians spend thousands of bucks on gear, studio time, touring and whatnot, often without thinking twice. They also spend years and years on studying music, practicing their instrument and honing their craft. Promotion, even though it comes last, should be done just the same way.
Where are the Wrong Notes pages?
You’ll find them here:
How often will my music videos appear?
As long as you are a paying member, they will appear at a frequency of once a month. In the ramp-up period (meaning the period when we are still a small group of artists) it’s likely to be even more frequent, about once a week or two.
Which artists are already taking part?
Find all current member artists here.
We aim to about 200-250 artists being active members in Wrong Notes.
What is the end goal?
We aim to have an artists community of about 250-300 members. While it’s hard to say right now how many people we can really reach in the end, striving for 1 million followers within 5-6 years seems attainable if the page functions well and the audience reaction is good. But even a few hundreds of thousands of active, genuine fans is really not that bad!
Other than that, once reaching a significant number of followers, the sky is the limit for selling music, merch, tickets, workshops – anything’s possible. One thing is for certain: our music careers will take a boost which no other service except for (maybe) major labels can provide!
What happens if I stop my payments?
If you stop your payments, you’ll still be member, however:
- Your videos won’t be eligible to be featured until you renew the payments.
- If after 3 months you won’t return to payment status, your membership will be terminated.
- Keep in mind that monthly fees for new artists are increasing with the number of followers, so starting a new membership will not be with the old fee rates.
I'm working now on a new release / video. Should I wait until it is finished?
In my opinion, no. If you already have a back catalog of videos you should already join. The reason is that Wrong Notes is not a traditional media tool, where campaigns are short-termed and “release age” matters. In fact on the contrary, we are based on a model that presents your music regularly and on a timely basis. Chances are that most followers of the page still don’t know your older stuff (and they don’t really care about when it was released either). So we definitely encourage the reuse of older materials, as long as they comply with our content criteria. Join now, present what you’ve already got and once your new release is ready, it will much more likely fall on ready ears who know you and love what you’re doing!
Also keep in mind that the monthly price for new joiners increases the more followers Wrong Notes has.
Is there an official agreement?
Yes. Once you sign-up, you will need to agree to the Wrong Notes terms of service.
I want in!
Great! Please submit your music in the application form.
I want to know more
Please contact us here.